Monday, April 27, 2009

I thought that I would do a quick update. This last little while has been pretty good. All the sickness is are house is getting better, FINALLY! Brynn is officially 1 & 1/2 today. Time has gone so fast, yet I feel like she has been with us forever. She is talking so much. some of her new words are, Yes, Home, RRRWoof, La La ( this means Mayla, her cousin, I think she thinks every picture of a baby is Mayla.) Low-a ( her version of sister Lauren's name.) and many more. I have had to laugh at all the people who are surprised that she is walking now. She started walking in September @ 11 months old. I think people believe she is younger than she really is because she is so tiny (almost 18 pounds). Anyway, The last 18 months have been wonderful just getting to know her.
Yesterday Lauren got to color a picture of Adam and Eve during her sunbeam class. She was very excited to show us her picture of "Prince Adam and Eve". Those who know Lauren well are aware of her love for the cartoon He-Man. Prince Adam turns into He-Man when he holds aloft his magic sword and says " By the power of Grayskull". She recited that for me.
We are all doing great and enjoying the springtime weather, and playing in our backyard.
Thanks for checking in on us.


  1. Brynn is so cute even though she won't smile at me. She gets to go to nursery now. yea for you! I hope it all goes well. oh, and your backyard is beautiful.

  2. I can attest for the quickness of kids growing up now that we have Mayla. It sure comes at ya fast. That is cute that she calls other babies Mayla. She sure is such a sweet little girl. Sure love you all.
