Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kenley went to the zoo today. Here are some pictures she took, and what she has to say about her day.
This is a porcupine
we saw it with it's spikes up. I thought it was cool! I took this picture because I knew my dad would love it.

I think this is BEAUTIFUL!

My mom says she loves this rhino.
I think that I have a junior wildlife photographer for a daughter. She did a great job, and had a fun day.

1 comment:

  1. I like the picture of the rhino too. I had to scroll down fast to get rid of the picture of the tarantula. I absolutely hate those. yuck! yuck! double yuck! I'm glad she had fun. Candace had fun too! She said she fell asleep on the bus ride home with another girl asleep in her lap. :)
