Saturday, May 30, 2009

What have we been up to? Let me catch you up.

Kenley made salt dough to sculpt a jaguar for her research animal.
This is one of my favorite pictures from Mothers Day. Sometimes I feel like this most of the day, But I enjoy motherhood. It is the hardest job that I will ever love!
We woke up on "H" day and realized that Kenley needed a hat. I planned on making one, but lost track of the days. I decided to see how fast I could crochet. I started this hat before school and finished it on the walk there that morning.
This is why an 18 month old should not play with markers!
She loves to color. Luckly she is good about only coloring on paper. It was all over her hands because she had trouble putting the lids back on. I was volunteering at the kids school, and another mom brought the markers. All of the other kids got tired of coloring after about 15 minutes, but Brynn colored for over an hour. What really surprised me though was when I went over to help her clean up, the only marker with the lid off was the one she was using at that time, but you could see that she had used several colors. She was putting each lid back on before getting a new one. Hopefully she will always like things neat and organized. Oh and thank goodness for washable markers.
After playing in the mud, We came inside to wash up. What started as a quick hand washing turned into a bath in the sink. Brynn loved it.

Because this was not a planned bath, I did not have a towel, so a dish towel had to do. Cute!

I went into the bathroom and found Lauren fixing Brynn's hair. I thought that it was pretty cute that Brynn would just sit there and read a book, just like she was in a real salon.

Lauren is such a cute sweet big sister.

Lauren has been extra sassy lately. The other day we were walking to get the kids from school, and I pointed out some beautiful flowers in a neighbors yard. She agreed that they were pretty then said "Look how messy their backyard is!". I told her that it is not nice to say mean things, and that we should always try to look for the good in everything. She looked up at me and with her little attitude said "WHATEVER". Sometimes I wonder how I will be able to handle her when she is a teenager, Maybe we could send her to live at Cody's work. Just kidding. I would miss her to much.

Dallin needed a new summer hairdo. He loves it, and I am pretty happy that I can brush it in about 30 seconds.
We are all doing great, and loving the weather. Our gardens are growing fast, the weeds are also. Now I understand the expression "kids grow like weeds.". It seems like I could watch my kids, and my weeds grow noticeably each day.
We had a great Memorial weekend. Cody had to work on his birthday so we celebrated early. Not many family members were able to come, but we sure had a great time with the ones who could. We barbecued, then had homemade fried ice cream. The food was delicious, and the company was wonderful.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dallin's trip to the zoo.

Here is what Dallin has to say about his field trip.
We got to ride the bus to the zoo. There was a spider monkey. My favorite was the rhino.
Dallin said that he had a lot of fun. He told me that he did not eat his lunch fast enough, so he only got a few chips, and some raisins. (that is not surprising, he is a very slow eater.) He also said that he fell asleep on the bus on the way home, and almost fell out of the seat when the bus turned like a wild one. He is so cute when he tells stories.
He had to be at the school at the same time as Kenley, and did not get back until 2:00pm. It was so strange having him gone in the morning. This fall will be a hard adjustment for us both when he will be gone all day for first grade. I still miss Kenley when she is at school. I wish that the school day was a couple of hours shorter. I like my kids home with me!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Kenley went to the zoo today. Here are some pictures she took, and what she has to say about her day.
This is a porcupine
we saw it with it's spikes up. I thought it was cool! I took this picture because I knew my dad would love it.

I think this is BEAUTIFUL!

My mom says she loves this rhino.
I think that I have a junior wildlife photographer for a daughter. She did a great job, and had a fun day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Scripture Power!

Dallin has been wanting me to make him a scripture bag for well, to long. I finally made it today. I am pretty happy with it. I did not have a pattern, but it turned out surprisingly good. The back has a place to hold a small notebook and three pens or pencils. The front has a large pocket with his name on it. I cut the letters for his name out of fabric with my Cricut machine. This was a first for me. I can not wait to try cutting more fabric shapes.

I think that he is happy with it.
The picture makes it look like the pocket is crooked, but it is not. The whole thing is far from perfect, but it is not THAT bad.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The great outdoors(aka our yard)!

This is our back garden. We planted potatoes, onions, peppers carrots, green onions and lettuce.
This is our side garden. Here we have tomatoes, beats, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, peas, beans, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, and corn. (I am sure that I forgot something) We are so pleased with the progress of the gardens. Cody and I often go out and walk around the yard to look at the new growth. We also planted four fruit trees this spring, and three of them have fruit growing. We planted watermelon, pumpkin, rhubarb, and artichoke along the back fence. The strawberries that we planted last year have grown at least 5 times their original size. I think that next to being a wife and mother, gardening is one of the most fulfilling things that I have done.
I keep thinking that Dallin will grow out of the "fall asleep anywhere" stage. Well he is 6 1/2 now, and this is how he drifted off last night.

This is Brynn's favorite spot in the house. She is standing on a chair, looking out the kitchen window, watching the other kids play. It is kind of sad, but I don't want her outside without me, and I can not be out there all day. At least she does not cry, she just watches and yells "hi" or"Dad"!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Jorgensen happinings

I got in the shower this morning, and this is what I found waiting for me at the bathroom door. Brynn loves to bath, so when she heard the water running she undressed and stood at the door crying. I did not know that she could take her shirt off.
This picture is to remind Cody that we really need a SANDbox. Brynn and Lauren both love to dig in the dirt. now that spring is finally here, I have a lot more laundry to do.

Dallin loves to learn new amazing things that his body can do. This picture makes me wonder if I am feeding him enough? Also, he just recently learned that he can wiggle his ears. What a talented boy we have.

At the kids school there is what is called the Alphabet countdown. The last 26 days of school they do something fun for each letter of the alphabet. For "B" day it was Backwards day. The kids had fun putting on their clothes Backwards. Dallin even had me part his hair on the opposite side.

I did Kenley's hair in backwards french braids. I just started at the bottom, and finished at her forehead. I think she looked pretty darn cute.