Thursday, March 12, 2009


Kenley had a speaking part in her 2nd grade program. She did so great. She spoke loud and clear. The program was about heroes, and the kids made pictures of their heroes. Kenley chose Grandma Jorgensen. They have a strong bond, probably from all the great time spent with each other when we lived in Logan. It is heartwarming.
We arrived at the school early, but we still did not get to sit as close as I would have liked to. For some of the songs the 2nd graders were sitting down, so I could not see Kenley at all. During those times it was fun to watch Brynn. She was dancing to the music. It was a great program. It is good to be reminded about all the sacrifices that loved ones make for me. To all of you who have helped us in any way, THANK YOU! You have been our heroes.

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