Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's a Girl!

Dallin has been wanting a lizard for a very long time. He has saved his money and dreamed of the day he would have one. Cody mentioned it to a coworker and within a few days she texted him that she had a friend who had 2 but they did not get along so she was getting rid of one.

The next day Barbosa was (grudgingly by some) welcomed into our home. (Barbosa is a Bearded Dragon)

Dallin is one proud papa! I have to admit that she has grown on me. She is really calm, and sweet. She even snuggles! It was really neat to see Dallin work so hard and finally get what he wanted. He takes really good care of her as well. I can not believe he is old enough to be so responsible (even if I have to remind him about her needs sometimes). He takes care of her without complaining.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Well, It has been nearly a year that I have not posted. We have a new computer, and I miss having a reason to immediately document life so I am going to try this again. I don't think I will try to catch up this blog, but here are a few fun photos of what we were up to this past year.
Okay the first photo is not fun. Brynn put her tooth in her lip. She was fine and after a big emergency room bill it healed on its own.

The school year ended. Next week Kenley will be a 5th grader, Dallin a 3rd grader, and Lauren a 1st grader. Wow time is going so fast.

Taryn had her first birthday. She really savored her cake!

Dallin started scouts and 6 months later he had already earned his wolf badge.

We had a chance to go to California to let the kids meet their great Grandpa and Grandma, visit Huntington Beach, and Disneyland.
It was wonderful!

Well, here is hoping all will go well with this computer and my camera, and my time!