I have been finding some freedom in the mornings while everyone else is asleep. I have been making these baby toys for shower gifts, some to sell (soon) ...
and some for Taryn. She loves them! I love the opportunity to create. I have also been making some home decor items. I will try to post soon.
Brynn is learning how to do hair and makeup! She is going to need some practice, and her sisters better learn to keep their play makeup put away.
Taryn has learned to roll over...
and blow raspberries! So cute!!!
Kenley learned how to make pancakes from scratch! (a good cook always samples before serving to anyone else:)
Lauren is learning to read, but I still need to get pictures.
Dallin is learning to say goodbye. He has had the little green bracelet (Easter grass) on for over a year. When he noticed it was fraying we had to make a replacement. I like the new one much better.